“Honeymoon Phase”


Today I am talking all about marriage and the phrase that erks my bones to my core, the “honeymoon phase.”

Tomorrow is my husband and I’s TWO year anniversary! Holy cow, time flies when you are having fun! We’ve had so much fun traveling, making memories, and doing life together! Although being married has been one of the best things to happen in my life so far, it’s not always butterflies and unicorns. I want to share the FOUR MOST IMPORTANT tips I’ve learned in the two years of my marriage!

  1. “Honeymoon phase!” Let’s me first say that our honeymoon was fantastic and I wish I could relive it every darn day. BUT marriage is more than just living in this state of, “oh shoot after a year of marriage it goes all downhill.” Marriage takes SERIOUS work from not just one person but both people, that’s why it’s a partnership. Yes there is phases to life, but this phrase of “honeymoon bliss” needs to vanish!
  2. Never ever ever feel like you need to compare yourself to what others around you are doing. Not one single person on Earth has the same path as any one else. Why do we get caught up in this horrible cycle of comparison, when all it does is make us sad and angry? One reason why I think the “honeymoon phase” should be deleted from existence, because there is this comparison among newly married couples of this phase of bliss, love and the only best year of your marriage will be this year. What the actual HECK?! No way!
  3. My husband and I started our relationship long distance, which meant we had to master the communication part early on. I thought we had the communication piece down pat ready for our marriage, but I was wrong. Marriage requires a whole new level of communication around touchy topics we never really had to talk about like shared finances, careers, when to have kids & the list goes on.
  4.  Family. Omg let me say first, I love my family so much, but sometimes the love is shared a little to much. How many couples have had their family “advise” them on how to handle their relationships? MINE! I’ve learned to be polite, listen to them, but really talk with my husband about what we ACTUALLY want to do.

All in all I just want this phrase of “honeymoon bliss” to disappear and for everyone reading this to know that marriage gets better as the years go on! Marriage is the best class in life and I am so JOYFUL that I get to spend it with my amazing husband!

Here is a photo of my husband & I on our wedding day in Tahoe June 25, 2017 💕✨💕

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1 thought on ““Honeymoon Phase”

  1. Beautiful wedding photo!


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